iOS:從 iOS 裝置輸入個人照片和視訊到電腦 在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上,您可以使用內建相機拍攝相片和視訊,或是將影像從 Safari 和「郵件」之類的應用程式儲存到裝置。瞭解如何將此內容從裝置輸入到電腦。
Apple - 在 iPod 上聆聽音樂與享樂更多 進一步了解 iPod、Apple TV 等更多產品。免費下載 iTunes。 Apple 購買 Mac iPod iPhone iPad iTunes 支援服務 Search iPod shuffle iPod nano iPod touch iPod classic Apple TV 酷炫配件 下載 iTunes Nike + iPod
iPod touch - 選購 32GB 或 64GB 的 iPod touch ,可享免額外付費的運送服務 - Apple Store (台灣) 在 Apple Online Store 選購全新 iPod touch,可享有免額外付費的運送服務與個人化雷射鐫刻服務。有 32GB 與 64GB 機型可供選擇。
選購 iPod - iPod touch、iPod shuffle、iPod nano 與 iPod classic - Apple Store (台灣) 購買 iPod,將音樂及娛樂隨身帶著走。在亮眼的 iPod touch、炫麗的 iPod nano、輕巧的 iPod shuffle 與大容量的 iPod classic 之間精挑細選。
iPod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The iPod is a line of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first line was released on October 23, 2001, about 8½ months after iTunes (Macintosh version) was released. Its most recent redesigns ...
iPod Touch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Earbuds with an external microphone and controller are compatible with the 2nd-generation iPod Touch, and are shipped with the 3rd-generation iPod Touch devices (excluding the 8 GB model). The only official way to obtain ...
Identifying iPod models - Apple - Support iPod touch (2nd generation) 2008-09 Multi-Touch display 8 GB, 16 GB, or 32 GB iPod nano (4th generation) 2008-09 Click Wheel 8 GB or 16 GB iPod shuffle (2nd generation Early 2008) 2008-02 Control Pad 2 GB iPod touch 2008-02 Multi-Touch display 32 GB ...
如何將電腦的照片同步到iPhone/iPod touch/iPad裝置? 5.最後點選右下方的套用就可以將電腦的照片上傳到iPhone 上囉! 完成步驟1~5之後,只要點選iPhone/iPod touch/iPad裝置內建“照片”程式,我們就能在相機膠卷中查看 ...
iTunes:同步照片 - Apple - Support 本文說明如何使用 iTunes 將照片從電腦同步到彩色螢幕 iPod、iPod touch、iPhone 或 iPad。 ... 其他資訊 與裝置同步照片將會建立 iPod 照片快取。 一次只能從一台電腦或 ...